CH. happy trails Champagne buzz
Berger Australien
né le

Informations sur CH. happy trails Champagne buzz
Sexe | Mâle |
Couleur | noir tricolore facteur rouge |
Puce | 981020007370320 |
Inscrit au LOF ? | États-Unis |
N° orgine | DN28216601 |
Adn | antagen 474327 |
Tares |
ED : OFA normal HD : OFA excellent MDR1 : normal/normal |
Statut | Retraité |
Les parents
Palmares dtitrese CH. happy trails Champagne buzz
champion beauté de croatie
champion beauté costa rica
champion beauté du panama
champion ASCA
Autres titres
• 7/17/2011 Judge Cheryl Padgett Senior Breeder
• 9/9/2011 Judge Suzan Guynn
• 3/25/2012 Judge Linda Braun Breeder
• 4/22/2012 Judge Kerry Kirtley Senior Breeder
• 5/22/2012 Judge Heather Braddock Breeder
• Nationals Specialty: Buzz 3rd place in the 12-18 month class.
• 3rd place ASCA Nationals 2012
• Buzz is also AKC major pointed (8 points, has both his majors, only 7 points to go)